The last few hours were very tough for you because you transformed from a woman into a mother. When a mother first holds their baby, she almost forgets all the pains she feels during labor. It’s the start of a new life with your newborn baby. Once you reach home, you have to take care of yourself and your baby. Don’t panic. It will take some time to become an expert in everything. We are here for you as an expert opinion. Here are few tips for new parent that will help you to feel confident while handling your newborn baby.

Managing After childbirth
Here are the few things that will help you to manage things properly.
- Ask for help from friends and family. You can tell them how they can help you in performing different chores.
- Try to do some exercise or change environment. For example, put the baby in a stroller and go for a walk.
- Be realistic; expect both good days and bad days.
- Eat a healthy diet. Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine.
- Try to spend some quality time with your husband.
- Don’t isolate yourself from friends and family; try to stay connected with each other.
- Restrict the number of visitors to your house.
- Receive essential calls only.
- Make sure to take a nap when the baby is sleeping

Taking care of the baby
Keep a few things in mind while taking care of your baby because their immune system is weak, so there is a chance that the baby may fall ill.
- Give your baby a sponge bath until its umbilical cord falls out and clean the area with spirit.
- First, whenever you change the baby’s diaper, you should wash the skin with water; if that is not possible, try using water wipes or alcohol-free wipes.
- Always wash your hands before and after you change the baby’s diaper.
- If someone else wants to hold the baby, ask them to wash their hands first. The easy way to hold the baby is to slip one hand under the head and the other hand under their body. The baby’s neck muscle is not strong enough to support the head’s weight.
- Stock up all necessary things before the baby arrives so you don’t have to leave the baby alone.
- The baby’s head must be higher than the body, remember, the baby cannot control their head until four months.
- Pay attention to the soft spot on the head, usually known as “fontanelles.” The fontanelles can usually take around one to two months to disappear.
- To improve the neck muscles, give the baby some tummy time. However, keep an eye on the baby during tummy time because it can be dangerous.
Postpartum Depression
Postpartum depression is a mixture of emotional, physical, behavioral, and hormonal changes in the body after childbirth. Many other factors lead to depression. About 1 out of 10 women face long-lasting depression, and one out of 1000 women face severe long-term mental issues. Not only mother faces depression, but the new dad also faces depression. About 1 in 10 dads feel depression after a baby’s birth. The mother faces depression at any time after the baby’s birth to 4 weeks. Estrogen and progesterone are two types of female reproductive hormones. In three days, these hormone drops it to pre-pregnancy level. Many other risk factors cause depression
- Medical history of depression
- if you’re of young age at the time of pregnancy, then there are higher chances that you can suffer from depression
- Uncertain about pregnancy (whether it’s the right decision or not)
- If you feel depressed in a past pregnancy, you may feel it again, however the second time will be harder.
- If you have more than one child (twins or triplet)
- You have no family support
- Sleep-deprived. If you do not get enough sleep, it will be difficult for you to complete a simple task.
Suppose you feel postpartum depression; consult your doctor. This depression cannot be left untreated because it significantly impacts your and your baby’s health.
Newborn bonding
Bonding is the chemistry between two people or feelings of unconditional love. Some mothers do not feel any bond with the baby after the delivery, but a strong bond is formed. Before the baby is born, they can hear the sound and even recognize voices. The bond between mother and baby does not begin after the birth, but it starts right away when you conceive. But new dads often face challenged when bonding with the newborn baby. So here are the tips for the new dad to bond with the baby.
- Skin to skin contact.
- You can give the baby a massage. However, don’t do massage with a hard hand because baby skin is susceptible.
- Sing a song for them
- Change the baby’s nappy
- Bathe the child
- Respond quickly to the baby’s cry